Total Records: 57 - Showing maximum 50 Records per page

H1B Salary Details For Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers

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H1B Salary Details For Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers has minimum salary 60000 and maximum salary 82555 from 57 records.

Employer Job Title City Salary Year
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers PEORIA, IL 60000 2021 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers PEORIA, IL 60000 2021 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers PEORIA, IL 60000 2021 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers PEORIA, IL 60000 2021 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers PEORIA, IL 60000 2021 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers PEORIA, IL 60000 2021 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers FRISCO, TX 60000 2021 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers FRISCO, TX 60000 2021 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers SAN JOSE, CA 82555 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers SAN JOSE, CA 82555 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers HARTFORD, CT 79560 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers HARTFORD, CT 79560 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers VIENNA, VA 78354 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers MCLEAN, VA 78354 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers DURHAM, NC 65915 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers TOPEKA, KS 63877 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers PLANO, TX 62670 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers PLANO, TX 62670 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers ST. PAUL, MN 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers CHICAGO, IL 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers PHOENIX, AZ 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers PHOENIX, AZ 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers MADISON, NJ 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers NEW YORK, NY 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers DEARBORN, MI 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers CHARLOTTE, NC 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers PHOENIX, AZ 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers CHICAGO, IL 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers CHICAGO, IL 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers RIVERWOODS, IL 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers BRENTWOOD, TN 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers JERSEY CITY, NJ 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers CHICAGO, IL 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers SCHAUMBURG, IL 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers SEATTLE, WA 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers SEATTLE, WA 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers MOUNTLAKE TERRACE, WA 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers CHARLOTTE, NC 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers PHILADELPHIA, PA 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers CHARLOTTE, NC 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers PHILADELPHIA, PA 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers NAPERVILLE, IL 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers WHITE PLAINS, NY 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers WHITE PLAINS, NY 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers HOPKINS, MN 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers HOPKINS, MN 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers MAPLEWOOD, MN 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers BENTONVILLE, AR 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers BENTONVILLE, AR 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles
COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP Associate JC65 - Computer Systems Engineers PHOENIX, AZ 60000 2020 Show Top H1B Job Titles


1 Salary was noted as Weekly in DOL records. We are displaying 52 times weekly salary in the salary field.

2 Salary was noted as Bi-Weekly in DOL records. We are displaying 26 times bi-weekly salary in the salary field.

3 Salary was noted as Hourly in DOL records. We are displaying 365x8 times hourly salary in the salary field.

4 Salary was noted as Monthly in DOL records. We are displaying 12 times Monthly salary in the salary field.

5 We weren't able to extract salary information correctly from the in DOL records. Showing it as is.

All other cases salary was mentioned as yearly in DOL records and displayed as is.

All the salaries from DOL records might not include all the bonuses / benefits and other things which are paid. Use these salaries as reference.